Welcome To The Tampa Police Memorial

Honoring those officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the citizens of Tampa.

About Us:

In 1997 a group of officers met together to discuss the need for a monument to recognize our fallen officers. On December 1, 1997, the Tampa Police Memorial was officially dedicated to the community by Tampa Mayor Dick Greco and Tampa Police Chief Bennie Holder. The Tampa Police Memorial Committee efforts have provided a lasting monument to those officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the citizens of Tampa.  The Tampa Police Memorial has become a place for fellow officers, other law enforcement agencies, family members, and the community to visit and reflect on the honor and respect the sacrifice those engraved on the monument have made.

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Master Police Officer Jesse Madsen

End of Watch: 03/09/2021

Master Police Officer Jesse Madsen

Master Police Officer Jesse Madsen, 45 years old, a U.S. Marine combat veteran and a 16 year veteran of the department, was killed when his police vehicle was struck by a wrong way driver on Interstate 275.  Officer Madsen was responding to reports of a vehicle driving in the wrong direction when he was struck by the car.  Both Officer Madsen and the other driver were killed in the impact.  We now know that Officer Madsen intentionally moved his police vehicle into the path of the wrong-way driver at the last minute to save the lives of others in his path.

Officer David Curtis

End of Watch: June 29, 2010

Officer David Curtis

On June 29, 2010 at 2:15 a.m., Officer David Curtis attempted to pull over a vehicle at Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd and 50th Street. Officer Curtis determined the passenger was wanted on a worthless check warrant out of Jacksonville. He called for backup and Officer Jeffrey Kocab arrived. Together they approached the suspect’s vehicle on the passenger side. The next communication came from a citizen calling 911 to report two officers were shot.

They were pronounced dead later in the morning

Officer Jeffrey Kocab

End of Watch: June 29, 2010

Officer Jeffrey Kocab

On June 29, 2010 at 2:15 a.m., Officer David Curtis attempted to pull over a vehicle at Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd and 50th Street. Officer Curtis determined the passenger was wanted on a worthless check warrant out of Jacksonville. He called for backup and Officer Jeffrey Kocab arrived. Together they approached the suspect’s vehicle on the passenger side. The next communication came from a citizen calling 911 to report two officers were shot.

They were pronounced dead later in the morning

Corporal Michael J. Roberts

End of Watch: August 19, 2009

Corporal Michael J. Roberts

On August 19, 2009 at 9:58p.m. Corporal Michael Roberts was patrolling on Nebraska Avenue in a neighborhood that recently experienced several burglaries. He observed a suspicious person pushing a shopping cart full of items and initiated a stop. The suspect pulled out a gun and began pistol whipping the officer. He then fired one shot. The bullet hit Corporal Roberts on the right side of his chest area that was not covered by his bulletproof vest.

Corporal Roberts was transported to Tampa General Hospital where he was pronounced dead at 10:50p.m.

Detective Juan A. Serrano

End of Watch: 02/25/06

Detective Juan A. Serrano

Detective Serrano was at the southbound exit ramp of I-75 at Gibsonton in his unmarked Ford Taurus. As Detective Serrano entered the intersection, a second vehicle traveling westbound on Gibsonton Drive at a high rate of speed, ran the red light and struck Detective Serrano’s vehicle at the driver’s door.

Detective Serrano was airlifted to Tampa General Hospital where he died as a result of the injuries sustained in the accident.

Master Police Officer Lois Marrero

End of Watch: 07/06/2001

Master Police Officer Lois Marrero

Master Police Officer Lois Marrerro, 40 years old and a 19 year veteran of the department, was gunned down by a fleeing bank robbery suspect. Officer Marrero was on foot checking an apartment complex for the suspect when he opened fire. Three bullets struck Officer Marrero, mortally wounding her.

Officer Marrero became the department’s first female Police Officer killed in the line of duty.

Detective Ricky Childers

End of Watch: 05/19/1998

Detective Ricky Childers

On May 19, 1998, Detective Randy Bell, and Detective Ricky Childers, were conducting an investigation involving the shooting death of a 4-year-old boy with an assault rifle. While exiting I-275 southbound on the Floribraska Ave. ramp, Hank Earl Carr utilized a hidden handcuff key from his pants, unlocked his handcuffs, and was able to wrestle Detective Childers’ firearm his holster and fatally shot him. He then turned the gun on Detective Bell, who was attempting to grab the firearm. Both detectives died instantly.

Detective Randy S. Bell

End of Watch: 05/19/1998

Detective Randy S. Bell

On May 19, 1998, Detective Randy Bell, and Detective Ricky Childers, were conducting an investigation involving the shooting death of a 4-year-old boy with an assault rifle. While exiting I-275 southbound on the Floribraska Ave. ramp, Hank Earl Carr utilized a hidden handcuff key from his pants, unlocked his handcuffs, and was able to wrestle Detective Childers’ firearm his holster and fatally shot him. He then turned the gun on Detective Bell, who was attempting to grab the firearm. Both detectives died instantly.

Officer Norris B. Epps

End of Watch: 01/18/1995

Officer Norris B. Epps

Officer Epps was killed when his helicopter crashed into Tampa Bay. Officer Epps and another officer were searching for a man whose boat had capsized. The other officer survived the crash.
Officer Epps is survived by his wife.

Officer Porfirio Soto Jr.

End of Watch: 12/30/1988

Officer Porfirio Soto Jr.

Officer Soto was shot and killed while serving an arrest warrant. The suspect committed suicide in jail. Officer Soto had been with the agency for 18 months and was survived by his wife and son.

Sergeant Gary S. Pricher

End of Watch: 11/04/1983

Sergeant Gary S. Pricher

Sergeant Pricher was struck and killed by a drunk driver while assisting stranded bus passengers on I-4. He and five other officers were returning from a tactical response team seminar when they stopped to offer their assistance. While on the roadway a vehicle swerved and struck Sergeant Pricher and then fled the scene. The suspect was later apprehended and charged with manslaughter, drunk driving, and hit-and-run.

Detective Gerald A. Rauft

End of Watch: 07/24/1981

Detective Gerald A. Rauft

Detective Rauft was shot and killed during an undercover operation to purchase 100 pounds of marijuana. During the deal a shootout errupted and Detective Rauft was fatally wounded. Four suspects were apprehended.

Detective Rauft had been with the agency for eight years.

Officer Anthony Wayne Williams

End of Watch: 11/03/1975

Officer Anthony Wayne Williams

Patrolman Williams was shot and killed when he interrupted an armed robbery at a convenience store while off duty. A reserve deputy from a neighboring agency was also in the back room, waiting to make an arrest attempt. A gunfight ensued and Patrolman Williams was fatally wounded. His wife, also a police officer, was able to retrieve his weapon and take the suspects into custody.

Sergeant Richard Lee Cloud

End of Watch: 10/23/1975

Sergeant Richard Lee Cloud

Sergeant Cloud was assassinated by the mob seven months after losing his job with the Tampa Police Department. After losing his job he worked on a federal task force fighting drug dealing and organized crime. He was assassinated when he answered his door at his home in Seminole Heights. The suspect was arrested and executed in the late 1970s.

After his death the Tampa Police Department posthumously reinstated Sergeant Cloud back to Sergeant.

Detective Kenneth D. Berlin Jr.

End of Watch: 09/27/1975

Detective Kenneth D. Berlin Jr.

Detective Kenneth Berlin was killed in an automobile accident while returning to headquarters from an undercover assignment. Detective Berlin turned into a construction area and struck a group of steel rods.

Detective Berlin had served with the agency for three years and is survived by his wife and two children.

Corporal John R. Collier

End of Watch: 12/05/1970

Corporal John R. Collier

On December 04, 1970, Corporal Collier responded to St. Joseph’s Hospital on a call. Upon completion of the call, he was advised he didn’t look well and should sit down. He then suffered his first heart attack. He was admitted to the hospital and on December 05, 1970, Corporal Collier had a second heart attack, which was fatal.

Officer William D. Krikava

End of Watch: 01/01/1965

Officer William D. Krikava

Officer William Krikava was shot and killed while investigating a burglary in progress. He was flagged down by a dress shop owner while on patrol and surprised a couple stealing clothes. The male suspect opened fire, striking Officer Krikava six times. Officer Krikava was able to return fire and wound the suspect.

Both suspects were apprehended and charged with first degree murder. The male suspect was convicted of second degree murder and sentenced to life in prison on July 20, 1965.

Officer Rolla Leo Standau

End of Watch: 11/19/1963

Officer Rolla Leo Standau

Officer Standau was killed when his motorcycle was struck head-on at North Boulevard and Union Street. He had been with the agency for 18 months.

Officer Carl F. Chastain

End of Watch: 02/12/1958

Officer Carl F. Chastain

Officer Carl Chastain was killed in a motorcycle accident when his police motorcycle was struck at Cass Street and Rome Avenue. He had been employed with the Tampa Police Department for three years and is survived by his wife.

Officer Morris D. Lopez

End of Watch: 07/09/1949

Officer Morris D. Lopez

Patrolman Lopez was shot and killed by unknown assailants at 7th Avenue and 16th Street in Ybor City while on foot patrol. A vehicle suddenly stopped and a shot rang out, striking Patrolman Lopez in the chest. No suspects were ever identified and the case remains open.

Officer Richard S. Booth

End of Watch: 11/28/1943

Officer Richard S. Booth

Officer Booth was killed in a motorcycle accident at Louisiana Avenue and 11th Street while pursuing a vehicle. His bike flipped over when he struck a dip in the pavement.

Officer Booth was survived by his wife, daughter, and two sons.

Officer Lester H. Henley

End of Watch: 04/11/1941

Officer Lester H. Henley

Officer Henley was shot and killed while arresting an auto thief.

Officer Arthur L. Berry

End of Watch: 01/31/1941

Officer Arthur L. Berry

Patrolman Berry was killed in an automobile accident while responding to a call with the Chief of Police. He was thrown from the vehicle and succumbed to his injuries two days later.

Detective Joe Nance

End of Watch: 10/01/1939

Detective Joe Nance

Detective Nance succumbed to injuries received one week earlier when his vehicle was involved in an accident. He was en route to Lakeland to conduct an interview when a truck forced his vehicle off the road.

Detective Nance had been with the agency for 18 years.

Det. Sgt. Thomas M. Chevis

End of Watch: 04/07/1938

Det. Sgt. Thomas M. Chevis

Detective Chevis succumbed to a gunshot wound received 11 years earlier when suspected auto thieves went to his own home and attacked him. The ring leader shot Detective Chevis with a .45 caliber handgun, causing major internal injuries. Detective Chevis was able to return fire, causing fatal wounds to the suspect. Detective Chevis was able to return to duty before succumbing to his injuries.

Officer Bryan A. Reese

End of Watch: 08/29/1935

Officer Bryan A. Reese

Officer Reese was accidentally shot and killed by another officer during a gambling raid. As his partner attempted to arrest a suspect his duty weapon discharged and struck Officer Reese in the chest.

Officer Henry R. Lett

End of Watch: 09/24/1922

Officer Henry R. Lett

Officer Lett was shot and killed as he and his partner attempted to arrest a man for disorderly conduct. The officers had responded to a call of a man threatening to shoot a woman. As they approached him he ran into an alley and drew his weapon. Officer Lett returned fire at the same time and both were wounded. Officer Lett later succumbed to his wounds.

Officer Juan Nales

End of Watch: 07/18/1920

Officer Juan Nales

Patrolman Juan Nales was shot and killed while walking a prisoner to jail. He and another officer had arrested the man after responding to reports of a suspicious person. As the three walked to jail the man attacked Patrolman Nales. He was able to gain control of Patrolman Nales’ service weapon and fatally shot him before fleeing on foot.

Patrolman Nales was survived by his expectant wife and 13-month-old daughter.

Officer James Ronco

End of Watch: 05/27/1916

Officer James Ronco

Officer Ronco was shot and killed by a female prisoner who had just escaped from the police station. While he was transporting her back to jail she grabbed his gun and shot him twice. He was able to regain control of the weapon and shot and killed the suspect as well. It was determined that the suspect was under the influence of heroin and cocaine.

City Marshal Joseph S. Walker

End of Watch: 09/25/1915

City Marshal Joseph S. Walker

City Marshal Joseph Walker was shot and killed while responding to a domestic disturbance. As he approached the suspect, the man opened fire, killing Marshal Walker. An officer with Marshal Walker was shot and wounded. The suspect was apprehended three days later.

Marshal Walker had served with the agency for 16 years. He was survived by his wife.

Captain Samuel J. Carter

End of Watch: 06/02/1905

Captain Samuel J. Carter

Captain Carter was shot and killed as he searched for a man who was threatening a woman with a gun. During the search the suspect jumped from behind some bushes and shot Captain Carter from approximately ten feet away. Captain Carter succumbed to his wounds three days later.

Officer John McCormick

End of Watch: 09/25/1895

Officer John McCormick

Patrolman McCormick was shot and killed while arresting a female suspect at a local bar. During the arrest the woman’s boyfriend approached the officers and shot Patrolman McCormick in the stomach. His partner returned fire but missed the suspect. The man was apprehended several weeks later.

They May Be Gone, But They Are Never Forgotten.

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